#78: Star Wars: Droids - Episode 1: "The White Witch"
We're kicking off a BRAND-NEW (to us) series and diving into the classic Star Wars: Droids: The Adventure of R2-D2 and C-3PO! It's an animated show so spectacular it demanded two colons in it's title (but, sadly, only one season). In our first episode, we cover the series premiere and talk about the history of the show and Nelvana, the animation company that brought it and it's companion show Star Wars: Ewoks to ABC in 1985.
Web: GitterJaw.com
Twitter: @DistantEchoesSW
Instagram: @DistantEchoesSW
TikTok: @DistantEchoesPod
Email: DistantEchoesSW@gmail.com
Cass - Twitter: @Cassiethulu | Instagram: @Cassiethulu
Tommy - Twitter: @AwkwardComma | Instagram: @AwkwardComma
George Lucas wanted Star Wars’ droids to be Eddie Murphy, says producer.
Jedi Temple Archives Bantha Tracks Archive: https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/specialreports/banthatracks/
An Interview with Paul Dini: https://web.archive.org/web/20071027164141/http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=2352
All audio clips are used under Fair Use and belong to their respective copyright owners.